basic simple syrup - A ratio of 1 part water to 1 part sugar - This is used as the basis for cold fruit drinks and mock tails.
In a saucepan in medium bring water and sugar to a boil.
Turn the heat to low and stir constantly until the sugar dissolves completely and the mixture is clear, approximately 3 minutes.
Remember - the longer you boil it, the thicker the syrup will be when cooled.
After boiling, let the syrup cool to room temperature, and strain them out before bottling, then pour into a tightly sealed, clean glass jar and store in the refrigerator (Any clean and sealable container can be used). The syrup can be refrigerated for up to 1 month. You can also stir in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to ensure the syrup stays smooth and to avoid crystallization.
enjoy cooking - PREMISHA SAVIOUR
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