4 whole amla , deseeded and chopped roughly
1 tsp
amla crush (optional)
1/2 tsp
powdered star anise (chakri phool) if u don’t have it in powder then add a very small bit while u grind the amla.
1 tbsp
honey(tastes best with sugar syrup)
4 tbsp
crushed ice

1.    Combine the indian gooseberry, indian gooseberry crush, staranise powder and 1½ cups of water in a mixer and blend till smooth. Strain the liquid and keep aside.
2.    Combine the strained liquid and honey (tastes best with sugar syrup) and mix well in a mixing glass.
3.    In each shot glass, place 1 tbsp of crushed ice and pour equal quantity of the juice over it. Serve immediately garnished with a staranise  and gooseberry slice on the rim of each glass.

enjoy cooking - PREMISHA SAVIOUR


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