(Picture taken from google)

Ingredients :
Grapes – 1kg
Sugar – 2kg
Citric acid crystals – 1 tbl spoon
Tonovin essence – 1 1/2 tbl spoon

Put grapes in a basin filled with water. Then rinse the individual grapes, picking them away from the stem, collecting the grapes in a large bowl, and discarding the green unripe and old shriveled grapes.

Put the grapes into a large stockpot. Add the citric acid crystals and 2 cups of water. Slowly heat the grapes to a simmer on medium heat and then simmer for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally so that the grapes don't stick to the bottom of the pan. Halfway through cooking mash the grapes with the potato masher and allow to boil.
Allow the juice to cool down to room temperature.

Get another large pot, place a large fine mesh sieve over it and filter the grapes from the juice.
Now prepare the sugar syrup in another large pot by boiling water with the 2kg sugar and bring to syrup consistency now add the tonovin essence to the syrup and allow to cool. After it come down to the room temperature filter the sugar syrup to remove the dirt in the sugar.
Now mix the sugar syrup with the grape juice and store it in the bottle and refrigerate.
While serving pour the juice syrup and dilute with water as per the need of your sweetness.
Top with ice cubes.

enjoy cooking


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