· Grape juice is highly nutritious and beneficial to our health due to presence of antioxidants, which help fight various health disorders. 

· Grape juice contains flavonoids, known to decrease hypercholesterolemia and prevent clogging of the arteries. 

· Flavonoids also help in keeping the blood pressure to a lower level, thereby preventing high blood pressure and improving cardiac cases. Vitamin C helps in making the immune system stronger and plays a crucial role in absorption of iron.

· It has anti aging property and leads to a smooth glowing skin due to the presence of collagen. 


1/2 fresh lemon juice 
1 small apple or peach
1 cups soda
Hand full of seed less black grapes
Sugar as u need


Blend together grapes and apple.

Filter the juice add soda and sugar  shake well 

Chill in refrigerator 

Again shake well

Squeeze lemon before serving 


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